I knew I didn't belong here.
All those times when people assumed that I didn't understand English. All the times people ask me where I'm really from. These inklings of me being a perpetual foreigner now make perfect sense.
Asians are Martians.
Or vice versa.
A little more than a year ago, I found an article that talked about the Unarius Academy of Science in El Cajon, Calif. The group believes that Martians migrated to Earth from a dying Mars more than a million years ago. Through evolution and breeding with Earth's aborigines, the Martians became what we now know as the Asian race.
Perhaps this would explain our uncanny mathematical skills, our natural martial arts expertise, and, of course, our women's sexual prowess. These predisposed talents probably come from residuals of ancient times when we were bred specifically for those reasons.
According to Unarius' website, Martian children were taught by a "Z-ray" device which gave them knowledge while they slept. Without this apparatus today, it seems that many Asian parents are trying their own methods by giving their children incredibly high academic expectations and violin lessons.
It may be our secret Martian past that keeps us quiet in the political realm. If we stir up trouble, the government could revoke our citizenships and deport us back to where we came from. There are no laws in place to protect us extraterrestrial beings.
And going back to where we came from is kind of hard. With oil prices on the rise, it can't be cheap to take a 35-million mile transport.
But is this how we want to continue living – by staying quiet and not rock the boat so that people in power continue to ignore us?
If it is, then we should continue to record low-voter turnout. We continue to not address important issues in our community such as the high suicide rate among Asian Americans, the quotas limiting APA admission at many universities, and the fact that hate crimes against us are largely ignored.
I suppose some of my fellow Martians may find apathy to be bliss, but those who choose not to care are meant to be forgotten.