Imagine, if you will, a multi-layered monorail system that runs around Aurora. Imagine going to the plains and seeing a space needle piercing the sky.
These were among the ideas brought up in 1987 in a project called “Agenda 21: Toward the 21st Century.” Seven-five people, selected by city leaders, spent three months discussing the future of Aurora. They were broken into four groups and each presented their ideas for the future of the city.
Then City Manager Jim Griesemer said the ideas would be used by the city council to refine the city’s strategic plan.
So, what happened to these ideas?
Nowhere in Aurora do I see an Alpine village equipped with a ski-lift carrying people to the top of a man-made mountain. Granted, building a mountain is going to be some sort of engineering marvel, but who doesn’t want a 14-er in their backyard? Just ignore the occasional rockslides.
Perhaps we can stick this in the Metro Center plot. How awesome would it be to have something that defines our city? Nothing says Aurora like a giant, unnatural peak in our city’s skyline.
Nowhere do I see skyrisers resembling 12th-century Japanese archetecture overlooking what looks to be a fishing village surrounded by an outdoor mall.
Maybe this is the plan for the area around Havana Gardens. Just clear out the shopping center across the street, build a lake and populate it with various breeds of fish and other aquatic life. And to make Aurora distinct, they should fill it with sea horses and genetically altered fish that glow in the dark — and octopuses.
Just don’t let the kids swim in the pool.
So, c’mon Mayor Tauer, let’s make Aurora unique and bring back these ideas. Our city’s been criticized for not having anything that makes it memorable. These ideas would definitely fix that.
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