Wednesday, June 25, 2008

False alarm

David Ho, a reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution had an interesting plane trip recently. On a flight from New York to Las Vegas, he was pulled off of a plane because a woman caught him putting an Airborne tablet into a bottle of water and called the cops.
"I didn't expect a return to the gate. Certainly not the Port Authority Police car waiting for us and four more cars and trucks speeding our way. I was really surprised by the two guys in black body armor who strode toward the front of the plane with automatic weapons."
He was questioned by the police, but they soon figured out that he was harmless.

In his piece, he mentions that the officer who questioned him seemed to be annoyed by the amount of false claims he has to deal with.

I can see the PSA announcement now:
So remember minorities, the next you fly, watch what you do because even the most ordinary routines can be seen as a terrorist threat.

Dang, makes me think twice about bringing Alka Seltzer the next time I fly.

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