Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great 16-day e-mail flood

With 16 days left until the election, there are two names that I am becoming well acquainted with.

And neither begin with Barack or John.

David Plouffe and Tom Kise, the respective e-mail gurus for the Obama and McCain campaigns, have been bombarding me with electronic spam for the past few weeks, and it's increasing as the election inches closer.

Plouffe's sends a daily e-mail asking for money. While Kise sends dozens a day about random things. I counted 25 e-mails during the course of the last debate.

Look, I know both sides are exaggerating the truth. I know these up-to-the-minute factual errors incite those who tow the party lines, but I don't care.

Makes me want to vote for Gene Amondson and the prohibition party.

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