My usual

Review: 3-1/2 out of four stars
Writer Mark Millar continues to do stellar work with his story about Dave Lizewski, a kid who decides to become a superhero one day. In this issue, he discovers that he's no the only masked vigilante out there as he meets the ultra-violent 10-year-old Hit-Girl and her father, Big Daddy. It's gritty, violent, but oh so fun to read.

Review: 2-1/2 out of four stars
This issue of the New Avengers features none of the New Avengers. Instead, it follows the story of how the Skrulls overcame Mr. Fantastic's uber intelligence in order to infiltrate Earth and begin their invasion plans. It was an OK read, nothing special. To be honest, I'm waiting for the end of the "Secret Invasion" story arc. It started off strong, but it's been running slow over the past few months. Heroes are going to die and rumor has it that the two Avengers teams will change. I want to see that, not this "how did it happen" style of storytelling.

Review: 2-1/2 out of four
"USM" is one of the best reads out there. The current storyline brings back Ultimate Venom, but carries an interesting twist at the end that's hinted on the cover. Bendis gives us a fun revelation, but it doesn't come until the end. That said, this book will be a must-have for the next few months.

Review: 3 out of four
Old Man Logan and a blind Hawkeye are now in the remnants of Las Vegas where Hawkeye's and Spider-Man's daughter's love-child is imprisoned by the new Kingpin. Just like in "Kick-Ass," Mark Millar makes sure there's plenty of violence in this book.
I Kill Giants #1
Yeah, I know it came out a few months ago, but I didn't hear about it until now. Writer Joe Kelly leads the reader on a story about a fifth grader named Barbara Thorson. She's a bit of an outcast who lives in her own fantasy world, proclaiming to others that she kills giants for a living. It reminds me a lot of "Calvin and Hobbes" with Thorson's over-active imagination. Although she could be see another world that no one else can. Kelly hasn't explored this yet, but it's only issue one. We'll find out more soon.
What I'm planning on picking up next week
Marvel Apes #1Monkeys in superhero outfits. 'Nuff said.
Savage Dragon #137
The Savage Dragon endorses Barack Obama for president on the cover. That's freakin' awesome! Now if Daredevil endorses John McCain, I'll be set.
What I may pick up, but can't decide

It's Spider-Man — as a monkey — fighting a Venom as a gorilla! I didn't pick up Daredevil last week, I have to pick this one up this week. Plus, our friendly neighborhood web slinger is rumbling with the Anti-Venom inside. And artist John Romita Jr. is back on the book.
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